Individual seeking certification (approval) to function as an official scale contest judge
must be aware of two
protocols which exist for pilots participating in AMA and U. S. Scale Masters
This page seeks to contribute to a the clear understanding of differences
between each
by providing you access to a copy of each protocol to compare to the other. In this manner, differences are more clearly understood. The two protocols are not intermingled at any point. Protocols are clearly defined in competition handbooks published by each organization. Judge candidates must become familiar with both protocols "before" participating in "any" certification (approval) program of either organization. Though they appear identical, each organization require pilots to witness mechanical options and flight maneuvers with options in a different manner. Additional differences exist. It is necessary to require all candidates to possess a "current" AMA and U. S. Scale Masters, Assn. Competition Hand Book aka Competition Guideline. A copy of each is accessed below. Downloads are for reference. Typically official "printed" copies are required in your possession for use during the acceptance, certification, and functional process. For a download of these documents, click underlined text below: