Circle Of Death

Circle Of Death:

During World War Two (II) Russian fighter and fighter bomber pilots began using a tactic which resulted in
enormous success attacking German tanks and armored columns. Patrols took Russians over front lines & roadways approaching front lines. Russians would attack armored column in this manner.
(Complete description below illustration)

Russians began their attack with what appears to be a 360 Degree Descending Circle. As circle tightens
up during the descent each aircraft in the attack group would begin their attack across the rear of German
attacking column or line. With each consecutive approach from the German armor's rear each is attacked.

In this manner the front of the German column is not warned of their tanks being destroyed behind them. It
served to delay evasive ground maneuvers by the tanks and their use of machine guns amidst their column
to fight off the attacking Russians from the rear.

Maneuver was effective whether the number of Russian planes attacking was one or more than one.

Maneuver was introduced by Bob Underwood, the FAI CIAM Technical Director for many years, in 90's at
AMA, USSMA, and FAI scale contests and qualifiers. He flew the maneuver in the AMA, USSMA, and FAI
World Scale Championship representing the United States with his IL-2 Stormovik.

(Ил-2 Штурмовик)
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